Endometrioid Carcinoma

It was through my friend Carol that God brought a healing miracle to my life. Carol is a practitioner of a technique called NMT, NeuroModulation Technique. The technique very rapidly identifies erroneous recording patterns of data in the nervous system that compromise the brain’s information processing capacity. It offers an effective way to remove these erroneous patterns and allow the body to experience a complete recovery. Carol worked through this technique with me about a week after C-Day. Muscle testing revealed that my immune system was not differentiating between the cancer pathogens and normal cells. The pathogens were partying with my consent. She “instructed” my immune system to begin to recognize, target, and kill the cancer cells. Muscle testing also showed that this process would take three days, and then the cancer cells would be dead. Furthermore, I would not need a hysterectomy. A “D and C” would be sufficent to “clean up.” I left her office that morning rather astounded by the simplicity of the treatment, not knowing what to expect in the near future. By evening, I started to feel hot spots in my abdominal area. These were not foreign to me, as I have experienced nerve hot spots often during my healing process. By the time I went to bed, however, my abdomen was cooking, an internal heat that could not be ignored. This continued in my body for…three days. That was accompanied by a very bitter taste. I have experienced prolonged chemical tastes before as my body underwent various clearing processes, but this was distinctly different. It also lasted…three days. As you might guess, I got a little excited about these bizarre events. I went back to Carol on the second day of this clearing process and relayed to her my saga. She smiled. There was another treatment that day and she retested to see if the previous treatment had held. My muscle responses indicated that my body was successfully killing the cancer. A request for a re-biopsy seemed in order and so I pursued that with my surgeon. He had been very supportive of me trying other healing modalities in the weeks until surgery and so he happily complied with my request. The day of the biopsy was Tuesday, a week ago. At that time I questioned him about whether a change in biopsy results would make room for discussion about the upcoming surgery. He offered willingness to talk, but was adamant that anything less than clear would not allow a change in plans. We continued to plan for a full hysterectomy and waited. Getting a biopsy slide prepared, passing it through the local hospital for a pathology report, and then shipping it to Johns Hopkins in Baltimore for a rush consult and returning a pathology report in a week is nothing short of a miracle in itself. God continued to encourage me all during this time. At one point, as I contemplated the unusualness of the technique I had just experienced, He reminded me that Naaman thought that the idea of dipping in the dirty Jordan to receive his healing was rather unusual too. If I believed God was leading me through this adventure then what did I have to lose by “dipping” in any “river” God directed. God was merely asking my obedience. He would do the miracle. And so I prepared and waited…

Today was another day between yesterday and tomorrow, a day when I hoped for the very best, when I believed that so many prayers were being heard, when I believed good news was on its way, and that anything could happen…

At 1:50 PM, today, my phone rang, and my FAX machine began to print. I ran with bursting anticipation to claim the papers as they emerged in the catcher. The pathology report from Johns Hopkins read, “There is no evidence of the well differentiated endometrioid carcinoma seen in the previous biopsy specimen.”

The cancer had cleared.
I felt like a healed leper who had been examined by the priest and declared clean!

Excerpts From a letter sent by AC 11/4/03

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Drs. Mark and Kessler provide a unique and comprehensive discussion of headaches, TMJ disorders and facial pain which affect many people but is often misunderstood by the public and professionals alike. This book is concise and encyclopedic in its scope and is a must for every dentist's library.

Dr. Kenneth Klonsky, DDS
Peridontics and Implant Dentistry

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