About Dr. Carol S. Kessler

Dr. Kessler is interested in helping her patients become all that they can be.

After high school Dr. Kessler had a very hard time in college. She tried to take courses, but always quit. She then went to work in a dental office and learned all phases of Dentistry. After the Dentist that she worked for retired, she decided to try to pursue a new endeavor that would enable her to work independently.

At that time, she decided to enroll in a Massage Therapy program and, subsequently, became a Licensed Massage Therapist. It was one of the hardest courses she ever encountered. She graduated from the New Center in 1984 and the journey started. Dr. Kessler was and is still very active in the Massage Profession. She served on the Board of the NYSSMMT and lobbied to change the title from Masseur to Massage Therapist.

In 1991, Dr. Kessler continued her education and went to Acupuncture School; she graduated in 1994. Since she started her educational process, Dr. Kessler has earned a Bachelor’s Degree, Masters of Science Degree and a Ph.D. in Oriental Medicine. While in private practice, Dr. Kessler has learned to listen to her patients.

She has taken many courses in the disciplines that she has found to be the most clinically efficacious and are utilized on an individual basis when they are deemed appropriate.

She uses acupuncture for eliminating allergies, NET to deal with the Physiology created by Neuro-Emotional Complexes, and the one proven very important to this process is the screening for Irlen Syndrome/Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome (SSS).

Dr. Kessler is finding that many of her patients who have Irlen Syndrome and pursue treatment for SSS have less symptoms and require less treatments.

Dr. Kessler, herself is Scotopic and that is the reason why she had so much trouble pursuing her education when she was younger. Irlen Syndrome interferes with the timing in the brain; and when the brain is so active, it is hard to assimilate information and to recall and use information is extremely difficult.

Dr. Kessler says that the process of using eliminating allergies, NET, and Screening for Irlen Syndrome have made a profound difference in her patients’ lives. She says that this is an interesting process and hopes you will enjoy reading the rest of the website.

Treatment Options

What they are saying:

Drs. Mark and Kessler provide a unique and comprehensive discussion of headaches, TMJ disorders and facial pain which affect many people but is often misunderstood by the public and professionals alike. This book is concise and encyclopedic in its scope and is a must for every dentist's library.

Dr. Kenneth Klonsky, DDS
Peridontics and Implant Dentistry

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