Soft Laser Therapy

Lasers can be categorized into two general categories- had or hot lasers and soft or cold lasers. The difference between these two lasers is the measured amount of energy output. Hot laser causes thermal changes and can destroy tissue. Hot lasers have surgical application. Cold lasers, on the other hand , have a stimulative or bio-regulatory effect. It is soft lasers that are utilized in pain management.

What they are saying:

We have known Dr. Carol Kessler for over 50 years and Dr. Barry Mark for over 20 years. They genuinely exhibit concern for their patients, family and friends. Over the years Dr. Mark has proven to be one of the most knowledgeable people in the treatment and study of headaches, TMJ disorders and facial pain. This book is a compilation of their years of study and treatment. Anyone who reads this will come away with a better understanding of this often misunderstood problem.

Jay and Barbara Katz
Dental Hygienist

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